Entry Fee: $8.00 Per Archer
Land-Based Tournament
10 / 15 Meter Range
- GENERAL: 7th ROTC Brigade (JROTC) will host a NASP® Bullseye archery tournament as part of the SGM Paul C. Gray competition to allow Cadets from participating schools with NASP® archery JROTC teams to shoot against students from other schools in a competitive format.
2. CONCEPT OF OPERATION: Teams will arrive at the archery range NLT 30 minutes prior to their assigned flight times. All archers will receive a safety brief and range instructions prior to shooting any arrows. Once the instructions are complete, archers will have their equipment inspected and begin shooting in their assigned flights until all archers have had a chance to compete. Once all individual competition is complete teams will participate in a special team event.
There are five (5) categories of competition for which trophies/medals will be awarded.
- Individual Female (1st, 2nd, 3rd) (Medals)
- Individual Male (1st, 2nd, 3rd) (Medals)
- Overall Individual (1st, 2nd, 3rd) (Trophies)
- Team (1st, 2nd, 3rd) (Trophies)
For the JROTC team event, teams will consist of 5 archers. For single team entries per school there is no minimum gender requirement. Schools with multiple 5 archer teams, genders need to be distributed equally across all teams entered. These teams will be designated prior to any arrows being shot. Additional archers not on the team roster may compete in the individual categories.
4. TIMELINE FOR THE COMPETITION: Timeline are subject to adjust based on number of participants and each flight completion. Archers will be ready 15 minutes prior to their assigned flight time in the event the previous flight finishes early)
- 3/14 and or 3/15 Team Arrival and Check in depending on participation
- 1730-1755 Opening Instructions
- 1755-1800 Final range safety checks
- 1800-1900 Flight 1 3/14/25
- 1900-2000 Flight 2 3/14/25
- 2000-2100 Flight 3 3/14/25
- 0900-1000 Flight 4 3/15/25
- 1000-1100 Flight 5 3/15/25
- 1100-1200 Flight 6 3/15/25
- 1200-1300 Flight 7 3/15/25
- 1300-1400 Flight 8 3/15/25
- Only NASP approved equipment may be used during this competition IAW chapter 3 of reference b. above. This includes the Genesis Original Bow and Easton 1820 Arrows. No other bow or arrow types are NASP sanctioned or permitted on the range.
- All equipment will be inspected prior to use on the range. Unauthorized, damaged, or faulty equipment will not be permitted inside the range area.
- Only accessories authorized by NASP may be worn or used during competition.
- Teams are responsible for providing their own arrows for the competition. 7th Brigade will provide replacement arrows for dropped and bounce out arrows as allowed.
- AED is located just outside the main gym.